What does SEO Content Writer do?

SEO Content Writer should have this list:

Write to your audience first

One point at this tip is the top. This is easy enough, though many companies create content for the wrong reasons. Write the content you requested for your target market interests or answer their questions. Not all posts need to be about your product or service, but they should all be professional. Make sure you and your company are an expert in your technology by writing interesting and informative content and doing something better than your competition.

Keep everything under one roof

Get your website credit and traffic by keeping your original content in your own domain name. This means that if you leave your blog on wordpress or blog in your blog, host a blog in a subfolder in your own domain (ie: http://www.example.com/blog). You have the opportunity to reveal other forms of original content such as videos, infographics or white pages at any time, and embed them to your website and make sure to share from there.

Make a punch pack headers

You have a very small amount of text to create a bigger impact. So do not underestimate the useful title title! Write the headings that use clear, interesting and rich keywords. In addition to a great topic, your meta descriptions also make your article title interesting and detailed. Keep in mind that your title and meta description will appear in search results, so count them!

Use keyword phrases

Use appropriate and important glossaries to your readers and your content to find out what your post is for your readers and search engines. But beware, only your keywords can be turned off by many keywords, but the key padding search engine results in fine. Use thoughtful and extraordinary words, stick to more emotionally. Use blog tags by tagging a few key words for each post, avoiding keywords in the body of your post; Most public blogs already have the built-in capabilities.

Build up your posts

The contents of your post may be better, but you can easily lose in a random, inefficient form. Breaking your content into small pieces with your magazines makes it easier for your readers to make sure. For search engines, the background system is very important. Using the correct tag sequence when the reverse headers (H1 for headings, H2 for subtitles) is important to maintain a perfectly structured article.

Encourage the image

Pop up your posts with pictures! The display of the people. Adding a photo of your blog post can have a big impact. Have a Pinterest account? In addition to improving your blog in your other social media channels, logs with images can add another way to your website.

Publish Content with Social Media

Social Media is a powerful tool to help you achieve your content and improve the sharing. Post each new article on social media sites and forums using descriptions and callback actions. Since social media sharing is public, it's important to have stock buttons on each of your posts. Depending on how your links are shared, your shared connections can give you a boost by enabling Twitter or Open Graph Facebook (technology) to your Twitter cards, and click through to your help and help with rates.

Activate Google authorship

Google Authorship is a quick and easy way to redirect content to a particular author, all you need is a Google+ account. As a result, your essay comes with rich snippets of search results featuring the author's photo with the title of the article. Google Authenticity is ideal for personalized advertising, but clicks can be increased by the rate for your articles. If you're a teacher, learn how to set up the right for your website.

Encourage natural connection building

Link building has come a long way since purchase and link farms days, but the links are still a key quality factor for SEO. Your posts are yours

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